Neil Peart Taking Center Stage A Lifetime Of Live Performance 2011 D3 教學 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
Hudson Music has announced the October release of a groundbreaking new
3-DVD set from NeilPeart, one of the true living legends of drumming.
In Taking Center Stage: A Lifetime of Live Performance, Neil examines
the details and challenges of performing in front of a live audience.
Drawing from over 30 years of touring the world, Neil breaksdown, demonstrates,
and performs classic drum parts from songs spanning the entire Rush catalog,
thereby giving the viewer the most in-depth insight into Neil s body of
work ever documented. Filmed in various locations over the course of a year,
Neil takes you on a behind-the- scenes look at Rush s 2010-11 Time Machine
Tour. This includes rare and exclusive footage of Neil's personal pre-tour
rehearsals and backstage events at a Rush concert (including a visit to the
soundcheck, an unprecedented backstage interview, and Neil swarm-up routine).
Neil then presents (in an interview setting with Hudson s Joe Bergamini) a
detailed look at every single song in the Time Machine set list(which includes
the entire Moving Pictures album). Each song features analysis and demonstrations
(including slow- motion), which are coupled with a detailed PDF eBook containing
transcriptions of Neil s parts. At the end of each song discussion, the viewer
is transported onstage to a Rush concert to see the actual live performance
of the song from the perspective of the drum cameras only(with an exclusive,
custom audio mix that features the drums heard slightly louder than a normal
concert DVD mix).
With in-studio rehearsal footage, backstage scenes, live concert performances, and
breathtaking interview footage filmed in Death Valley National Park, California, this
package documents not only Neil s approach to live performance, but the very essence of
his drumming style, on all the classic Rush songs, including Tom Sawyer, Subdivisions,
YYZ, The Spirit of Radio, Free Will, Limelight, Far Cry, and many more. The DVD also
includes discussion, analysis, and performance of the newest Rush song, Caravan, and
extensive bonus content.